Resilience Ratio

Resilience Ratio

What is your “bounce back-ability?” When life seems to knock you down, how fast can you pop back up? It reminds me of boxing. “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Think how fast an animal that flies pops back up when the wind knocks it back. Life does...

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Undisclosed Trauma

Undisclosed Trauma

When I was 21 years old, I was raped by my then best friend/former boyfriend. This will come as a shock to some readers who know me because I never reported the rape, which actually happened on two separate occasions, and I never told almost anyone in my...

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The Stress-Buster Diet

The Stress-Buster Diet

I am more convinced than ever that stress is the root cause of our struggle with obesity and weight management in this country. I am also certain that diets are not the answer to our weight loss woes. I have been saying this for awhile now, but when you take...

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