Welcome to Empowered By Nikola!
Empowered by Nikola is a metaphor reflecting my desire to light up and empower life as Nikola Tesla powered and lit up the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. Not literally of course, but figuratively and through the channels of love, faith, hope, logic and experience. It is the light of the eternal love of my late husband that continues to course through my veins like electricity, illuminating my heart in a powerful way.
My writing is about my own struggles through different aspects of life, including:
- Weight Loss and Wellness
- Fitness and Self-Care
- Self-Confidence
- Love and Loss
- Mindfulness and Minimalism
- Goals and Motivation
- Energy and Stress management
Life is hard and our souls are an ever-changing constitution of light and darkness. I do not pretend that I am free of darkness. I come from the light portion of my soul with the goal of illuminating the darkness with hope. When you reach for your goals, they feel as distant as the stars in the sky; but it is an illusion. They are already in the palm of your hand. Likewise, when you feel your soul is blanketed in darkness, look for the sliver of light that peaks through the cracks; when you see it, set your eyes on it and give it all your attention. Watch the light grow. The light will overcome the darkness.
I want to live fully and honestly, always prioritizing truth, joy, fun, LAUGHTER, lightheartedness, simple living, the PEACE OF QUIET, real conversations, daring adventures, never-ending curiosity, uncontrollable affection, FACE-WRINKLING SMILES, strong hugs, passionate kisses, and EYES THAT SPARKLE. These are the things I wish for us all.
Love Always,
Nikola Rosa
Watch the “Putting the Pieces Back Together” Podcast with special guest, Nancy Gass

Energy & Stress
Everything I Ever Wanted
When I think about life, sometimes things can seem so dark and stormy and sad, but it's usually because I am looking at the "gap" instead of the "gain." I learned about this concept from author Annie Grace; this idea that "the only yardstick by which one should...
From More to Enough
I have always had the problem of more. If it feels good, I want more of it. If a little is good, a lot MUST be better, right?! It hit me two nights ago while making a smoothie dessert for me and my kids. As I put EXTRA cacao in the blender, capitalization essential...
Fear of People
I’ve been reading a really good book lately called The Authenticity Project. In the book, a question is asked, “What is the one thing that defines you, that makes everything else about you fall into place?” I have thought long and hard about this question and it...
Come Alive
Quote of the Day: "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Howard Thurman
For the Love of Books
Quote of the Day: "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...the man who never reads lives only one." -George R.R. Martin