• “You need to get out of your head and live in your heart.” -Kathy Humphreys
  • “God commands you to pray but forbids you to worry.”
  • “Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles; it takes away today’s peace.”
  • “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
  • “The less you control; the less controls you.” -Nancy Gass
  • I no longer weigh myself to see “how I am doing.” I know how I am doing and can gauge it by my feelings of peace, happiness, gratitude and contentment. I do not need a scale. I can feel my energy. I am love and am worthy of love, unapologetically. I will no longer be gutted by men that make me feel hard to love. Love is easy. It is people that are hard. Love does not hurt people. People hurt people. I can give love. I can receive love. I can be love. And the hurts will roll off like water off the back of a duck. The more I let love in, the more love takes over. The old saying is “all is fair in love and war,” but the truth is, love has already won. The war is over. Peace is at our fingertips. If only we would stop fighting. Less so with one another, moreso within ourselves. It is the battles that we wage against ourselves that do the most damage. The internal dialogue will never cease. So the solution is to change the conversation. If you do not control that conversation, it will control you. It’s time to talk about love. Love is the place inside us, the place we call home; walk in, take your shoes off, stay and rest awhile.” -Nancy Gass
  • “If you cannot stop the waves from coming, learn to surf.”
  • “Be you. Everybody else is taken.”
  • “Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don’t have to live forever, you just have to live.” -Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting
  • “I am more than just what I look like now and I was more than just what I looked like before. I do not want someone who wants me just for what they see. There is more to me. Far more than meets the eye. There is a soul as vast as the ocean, but to see it, you have to look inside.” -Nancy Gass
  • “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Perspective is power.”
  • “It is better to go to sleep hungry than to wake up in debt.”
  • “Just a reminder that 75% of the time you’ll ever get to spend with your kids is over by the time they turn 12. And 90% of your time with them is gone by the time they turn 18.”
  • “When I say I believe that all things happen for a reason, it does not mean I think that bad things need to happen. It just means that I believe that God can use all things for good.” -Nancy Gass
  • “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” -Mae West
  • “Learn to rest, not quit.”
  • “Practice makes progress.”
  • “Caring choices NEVER cause harm.” -Kelly Coffey
  • “Life is too short to be taken seriously.”
  • “Why do we try SO hard to fit in when we were born to stand out?!” -Nancy Gass
  • Feeling based goals are the key to success. People over time do not do what they should do; people do what they want to do. So if you want to do good, it has to feel good.
  • “I want to be my own person.” -Frida Kahlo
  • “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
  • “Selfishness must always be forgiven because there is no cure.” -Jane Austen
  • The Gap v. The Gain – This concept is changing my life. I no longer measure myself compared to others, and I no longer measure myself compared to past versions of myself or by the woman I want to become. All of these measures are counterproductive and maladaptive. I measure my progress now only by how far I have come. And this measure is moving me forward by leaps and bounds. -Nancy Gass
  • The different between self-worth and self-confidence – As I have learned through Worthy by Jamie Kern Lima, learning that self-worth is an innate feeling and belief that I am worthy of love and belonging; worthy of having my needs met, while self-confidence is an external measure; my assessment of my perceived value based on my skills, knowledge, talents and abilities, measured by myself in comparison to others and my experiences in the external world; this is changing everything, helping me understand how the most AMAZING people can still feel a HUGE void despite all they are and all they have accomplished; and how people who by comparison have accomplished very little or have very little can be so content and full of peace. It has helped me understand how I have at times lived in a duality of measured confidence and marked insecurity coexisting in tandem. This awareness is the beginning of the process of procuring deep self-worth that can run alongside confidence and help me to find true peace and contentment. -Nancy Gass
  • Epic faith changes things. Epic faith caught the attention of Jesus. Faith is my foundation. I never doubted God. I doubted myself. God never gave me a reason to distrust him. My lack of trust was in myself. If I learned to trust myself, I would not have to worry so much about others because I would trust myself to walk away if they proved themselves untrustworthy. In this way, it is self-trust I have had to seek most of all. -Nancy Gass
  • “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”