Time v. Money

Time v. Money

A Line of Thought Brought to You by Live Life Empowered by Nancy Gass “Time is a thief,” the saying goes. I say, steal back as much as you can! I will never stop reiterating that time and energy, especially emotional energy, are our most precious resources,...

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The best self-care often does not cost a lot…of money or time. The best self-care is often free. Sometimes the best self-care is consuming less caffeine. Sometimes the best self-care is saying “I forgive you.” Sometimes the best self-care is saying, “I’m...

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Long Term Goals

Long Term Goals

Someone yesterday asked me about my long term goals. The answer flowed out so smoothly it surprised me. Our truth is always there though, isn’t it?! Just waiting to be accepted, uninhibited by the expectations of the world. I want to write a book; two...

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