What is self-care really, anyway? I thought I knew about self-care. I thought I knew how to “take care of myself” long before I ever even heard the term self-care. I realize now after 41 years of circling the sun that no one ever really taught me about how to truly...
Just Walk
When you have a craving, be it for a cookie or a cocktail, walk. When you’re angry, be it at the world or yourself, walk. When you’re disappointed, be it downtrodden from a bad day or because your dream has dashed away, walk. When you’re frustrated, whether it’s...
The Power to Choose
Why always be positive?! It’s like this phrase I have heard and taught my kids, “unkind words are not welcome here.” Same concept, different topic…Sure, negative thoughts and feelings come into my head every day, but I have a choice whether or not I give them a...
Wash the dishes slowly darling. Fold the clothes slowly. Vacuum slowly and sweep slowly and take care of the pets slowly. We rush. We rush because we are busy. We rush because we are bored. We rush because it is mundane. We rush because our mind has moved onto the...