She changed. She learned to romanticize her life, accepting even the tragic events in her romance. She put herself around people that also lived from their hearts. She made peace with herself and her story.

She learned how and why and when to argue. She learned how much more effective she was quiet than loud.

She learned that she didn’t have to worry about forever because forever would take care of itself.

She learned she did not need a man because she could love herself and know she is loved by God no matter what.

She learned that when she watered herself, she grew. She learned that water and space and sunshine were joy to her heart and food to her soul.

She felt herself living in line with her soul, no longer wanting to be eye candy, but rather soul food; no longer wanting to be wanted, instead wanting to be useful.

She learned her mistakes and dark spots were as much a part of her identity as her brightness and beauty, and she learned to love all of it.

In learning to love her imperfections as much as the good stuff, she learned to love others the same. The more she loved, the more her heart grew.

The more her heart grew, the more peace she had through the hard. She learned happy all the time was never the goal. The goal was to feel alive deep in her soul.

By: Nancy Gass

Live Life Empowered by Nancy Gass