
Long Term Goals

Someone yesterday asked me about my long term goals. The answer flowed out so smoothly it surprised me. Our truth is always there though, isn't it?! Just waiting to be accepted, uninhibited by the expectations of the world. I want to write a book; two books...

Energy & Stress

The Power to Choose

Why always be positive?! It’s like this phrase I have heard and taught my kids, “unkind words are not welcome here.” Same concept, different topic…Sure, negative thoughts and feelings come into my head every day, but I have a choice whether or not I give them a...

Energy & Stress


Wash the dishes slowly darling. Fold the clothes slowly. Vacuum slowly and sweep slowly and take care of the pets slowly. We rush. We rush because we are busy. We rush because we are bored. We rush because it is mundane. We rush because our mind has moved onto the...

Eating, Exercise

A Lifetime of Loss

Do not be dismayed when you have seemingly regressed with a life goal. We truly never go backwards despite how much it feels so. We carry every single accomplishment with us into our future battles as armor and tools that make us ever stronger than before....

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Nikola Rosa
Charlotte, NC

Nikola Rosa is an artistic rendering of the soul that has come to exist after rising from the ashes. Her thoughts are from Nancy Gass, and yet they are in some ways, a different person entirely. We all have hearts and souls that are a deep ocean of complexity and this dichotomy is no different.