Silent Support

Silent Support

The value of silent support is immense. Imagine the example of a funeral. The widow and closest surviving family members are experiencing extreme loss and incredible heartache. There are no words that will take their pain away. We need not try. We need not...

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Extreme Generosity

Extreme Generosity

One year ago, I quietly received a Facebook message from The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.  The foundation said they wanted to build my kids and I a mortgage-free home in honor of my late husband Jerry Gass Jr., a Green Beret who died during a...

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Selfish Giving

Selfish Giving

Let me ask you a question. Is a selfish gift a gift worth giving? Some people would describe me as generous. Let me be the first to tell you that I am selfish. The truth is I can be both and even at the same time. I had a discussion with someone recently...

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