Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

I go to the track every day. When it is really cold, or when it is raining and I do not feel like getting wet, I go to the indoor track. Yes, I do know how lucky I am to have an indoor track at the local YMCA only a few miles from me. Yes, I do know how...

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Extreme Generosity

Extreme Generosity

One year ago, I quietly received a Facebook message from The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.  The foundation said they wanted to build my kids and I a mortgage-free home in honor of my late husband Jerry Gass Jr., a Green Beret who died during a...

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Selfish Giving

Selfish Giving

Let me ask you a question. Is a selfish gift a gift worth giving? Some people would describe me as generous. Let me be the first to tell you that I am selfish. The truth is I can be both and even at the same time. I had a discussion with someone recently...

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