The best gift for the mama who is or aspires to be a minimalist is not found in a store. It does not cost a dime. It never expires. It never goes out of style. It never gets old. Lastly, it is one size fits all! The best gift for the minimalist mama (or dad usually as well) is time. It is the one gift a parent of young kids cannot give themselves. It is one time use only, but fortunately, is available for the taking Every. Single. Day.

If you want to give your daughter, wife, friend, or sister a gift she will be eternally grateful for, go with time. It can be alone time, time to read a book, time to finish writing that book, time to write in her journal or organize her family photos, or time to spend one-on-one with one of her children for those who have two or more kids. It can be taking one of her children to the circus or an amusement park. It can be a coffee date with her husband. It can be an at-home date reading stories with just one of her children. It can be time to go get her hair done so she feels extra beautiful. You can never go wrong with time and it takes up no space. Time will never collect dust and will never cause clutter.

When you give a mother the gift of time, you are inevitably also giving her peace, joy, gratitude, rest, and often much more as well. Time is the most precious resource for us all. It is the only non-renewable, unsustainable resource in this world. We cannot freeze time. We cannot make more time. We cannot always buy time. It is so precious. What if instead of mining for gold, we mined for time? What would that look like? If we drilled and found it, what would we do with it? How would we care for it and protect it? How would we price it on the open market? Something to think about.

Wishing you precious, peaceful time,

Nikola Rosa