Powerful Love

The Man I Want To Find To Love

          When I see the war in your eyes, I want to be your peace.           When you feel pain and sorrow, I want you to melt into me for comfort.           When life disappoints you, I want to restore your hope.           When you are dreaming, I want to dream...

Powerful Love

Her Broken Heart

He held the broken, jagged pieces of her heart in his big, rough hands. The heart broken by the man that came before who never should have had the key. First shattered by the sudden loss of her sweet, heroic husband. He held the pieces patiently, never letting them...

Empowering Interviews

Lem Houston: Cardio Funk Legend

I walked into the gym and took my place in the lineup. I was anxious, but excited. Over the prior few months, I had come to love dance fitness. Zumba classes had literally been changing my life. My depression was lifting, my energy on the rise and my weight was...

Confidence, Powerful Love, Single Parenting

To the man…

To the man who thinks I am lucky to have him…that I should take whatever I can get because I have “baggage”…no thanks, you can stay on the shelf and wait for someone else (my guess is you’ll end up on clearance!). P.S. Kids are not baggage. They are human beings...

Nikola Rosa
Charlotte, NC

Nikola Rosa is an artistic rendering of the soul that has come to exist after rising from the ashes. Her thoughts are from Nancy Gass, and yet they are in some ways, a different person entirely. We all have hearts and souls that are a deep ocean of complexity and this dichotomy is no different.