Forward Momentum and Flexibility
"It is not what you do one day. It is what you do every day." This is so important. If it is what you ate today, missing the gym, missing your Bible reading, or whatever it may be that did not go according to your plan, gift yourself grace. The variety and...
Behavior Change
The power to change any behavior is in your hands, literally! There is no magic potion, no diet pill, no medication, and no crazy process that will do it for you. In fact, nothing with a price tag will work. What works is COMPLETELY free. It is consistency. You can...
The Stress-Buster Diet
I am more convinced than ever that stress is the root cause of our struggle with obesity and weight management in this country. I am also certain that diets are not the answer to our weight loss woes. I have been saying this for awhile now, but when you take diets...
20/20 Vision for 2020
Three steps toward the new you for the new year! 1) Believe… What better time to believe in your vision for next year than in the midst of the holiday season?! “Believing is achieving”…and if you do not believe, I can virtually guarantee, your thoughts will be your...