Powerful Love

Long-Distance Love

Remember those old, GIANT phone bills from long-distance calls that lasted for hours? While those may be a thing of the past, long-distance love is still very present. It hit me this morning that I have spent most of my adult life loving long distance. How long...

Powerful Love

Memorial Day Love

On July 9, 2011, I said, “I take you, my beloved Jerry, to be my husband. To live with you and laugh with you. To stand by your side and sleep in your arms. To be joy to your heart and food to your soul. To bring out the best in you always; and for you, to be the...

Powerful Love

Falling in Love

My grandfather asked me all these years later if I still felt it was the right thing to marry a soldier. The question surprised me. “I didn’t have a choice,” I replied. Of course, literally that is not true. We always have a choice. Yet when I met Jerry Gass, I...

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Nikola Rosa
Charlotte, NC

Nikola Rosa is an artistic rendering of the soul that has come to exist after rising from the ashes. Her thoughts are from Nancy Gass, and yet they are in some ways, a different person entirely. We all have hearts and souls that are a deep ocean of complexity and this dichotomy is no different.