I recently noticed my hair had grown much longer seemingly overnight. I kind of thought I had just been distracted and not noticed, but then other people started making comments about it. It made me curious. Why was my hair growing so much better recently? What was I doing differently?
As it turns out, there was only one difference that could account for this growth. It had to be the explanation. I decided several months ago to try to no longer use shampoos and conditioners with sulfates on my hair. I heard that sulfates can strip keratin from your hair and are not good for your hair, but when I started reading labels, it seemed sulfates were in every shampoo. I was able to find several sulfate-free options, but I really had to look. I did not see the hurt in trying the change, and now that my hair has grown so much, I am thinking it was a good decision.
If you would like to know more about why sulfates are widely used as well as the downsides of sulfates, check out livestrong.com. Sulfates have a toxic impact causing cellular damage, but are considered safe at low levels. Though levels in shampoos and conditioners may be considered safe, in my experience, they were not adding to the health of my hair. I also now know that they are not necessary. I use It’s A Ten Miracle Shampoo Plus Keratin and It’s A Ten Miracle Conditioner, but there are several options available in your search for sulfate-free solutions!
Wishing you lengthy locks,
Nikola Rosa
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